Women's metal jewelry (based on archaeological findings from Zhetysu)





Zhetysu, A.N. Bernshtam, K.A. Akishev, Random findings, Early Iron Age, jewelry, expedition, history of study


The article examines the research results on women's metal jewelry, covering the period from the Early Iron Age to the ethnographic time, ranging from the introduction of randomly discovered ancient artifacts into scientific discourse to their systematic scholarly analysis. Since ancient times, jewelry has played a significant role in shaping the image of women, functioning as an ethnic, social, and age-related marker. Various items such as rings, bracelets, earrings, sholps, clasps, brooches, and buttons, crafted from gold, silver, and bronze, along with their ornaments, reflect a woman's social status in society. The aim of the study is to outline the stages of research on women's jewelry, identify key trends in the process of analysis, and describe the contributions of Soviet archaeologists and contemporary scholars. Numerous studies and publications from different periods contain valuable and diverse data that contribute to a deeper understanding of the role of women's jewelry in the historical context.


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How to Cite

Aitbayeva А. Е. ., & Manapova А. М. (2024). Women’s metal jewelry (based on archaeological findings from Zhetysu). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25), 32–44. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



Archaeology issues