The journal is strongly against any form of unethical behavior or plagiarism. To prevent any such malpractices is one of our most important responsibilities. Before peer review, the editors check the manuscript for plagiarism through the STRIKEPLAGIARISM system.
The editors and the board of the international reviewed journal “Kazakhstan archeology” follow internationally accepted principles of publication ethics, particularly reflected in the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK) of Elsevier.

The editors and the board strictly adhere to the ethic norms in their own activities and in relations with all stakeholders: authors, reviewers, editors, publisher, distributors and readers. Below please find the list of ethical norms to be followed by the authors, reviewers and editors who are involved in publication of research findings.

We recommend our potential authors to study the Ethical Code, the Principles of good practice for editors and the Ethical Code for the publishers of journals.

Please pay attention to the main principles of professional ethics:


– Articles previously published or not accepted by other publications are not accepted for publication;

– The journal “Kazakhstan archeology” does not print materials that can be considered stolen;

– To reasonably react and prevent publication of papers relating to some unethical behavior of the authors. Members of the editorial board should not provoke such unethical actions or consciously permit such sort of violations;

– The journal “Kazakhstan archeology” does not charge for submission, processing and publication of articles;

– The main criteria for acceptance or rejection of the manuscript by the editorial board are the reliability and scientific significance of the presented work, its correspondance with the topic of the journal, originality, clarity of presentation and relevance of the study;

– The editorial board guarantees that authors are not discriminated against by sex, age, race, religion, nationality, social status, political opinion or any other reason;

– The editorial board guarantees complete confidentiality in the process of receiving, processing and reviewing the article. Unpublished material may not be used for personal purposes or transmitted to third parties other than reviewers and editorial staff;

– The editorial board undertakes to protect the integrity of published manuscripts, to agree with the author to edit, amend or shorten the text;

– The editorial board guarantees the consideration of claims concerning reviewed manuscripts or published materials. If a conflict situation is identified, the necessary measures will be taken to restore the violated rights;

– The editorial board, together with the publisher, guarantees recognition of errors, in case of detection of which corrections, clarifications, refusals and apologies will be published (Instructions for revoking or correcting articles);

– The opinion of the editorial board does not always coincide with that of the authors of published materials.


– The review process is objective, independent of commercial interests and market needs. Priority is given to the scientific value of the study, its content and novelty, compliance with the requirements of scientific ethics;

– The review process is confidential. Unpublished materials cannot be exploited by editorial staff, editors or reviewers;

– The reviewer is obliged to provide an objective, reasoned, reasonable assessment of the materials submitted for publication and the results of the study. Personal criticism of the author is not allowed;

– In case of negative review, the author of the manuscript receives it anonymously, except in cases of inaccuracy or falsification of the provided materials, detection of plagiarism;

– As an opinion, the reviewer fills out a review form that reflects the criteria for the evaluation of the manuscript. The final part of the review contains an overall manuscript score, remarks, and recommendations;

– A reviewer who does not, in their opinion, have sufficient qualifications to evaluate the manuscript, or cannot be objective, is obliged to inform the editor;

– After receiving a positive review of the manuscript submitted, the final decision on whether to publish is made by the editorial board.


– The author is fully responsible for the content of the article and the fact that it was published;

– The manuscript proposed by the author should contain only reliable results of research;

– The author guarantees that the manuscript submitted for publication is original, not previously published in whole or in part; not sent to other publications, there is no amended version of the same article in print;

– The author cannot offer an article printed in the journal “Kazakhstan archeology” to another publication;

– Plagiarism is unacceptable. In the writing and design of the article, it is necessary to specify references to the author and original sources. Information received from third parties may be published only with the written permission of the original source. The author cannot allow excessive borrowing, paraphrasing or attribution of rights to the results of other people’s research;

– The author is obliged to inform the editor of any potential conflict of interest and indicate the source of funding;

– The list of authors of the manuscript indicates all persons who have made a significant contribution to the implementation of the study and interpretation of the obtained data. The final version of the article must be agreed with all authors;

– If errors are found in the manuscript after it has been submitted to a review or in a published work, the author must report it to the editorial office in order to correct the errors or remove the work;

– During the review of the manuscript, the author is obliged to cooperate with the editorial office of the journal, respond promptly to comments and take into account the recommendations of the reviewer. In case of disagreement with the reviewer’s assessment, the author sends reasoned objections to the editor. Correction of comments and execution of the reviewer’s recommendations shall be made within one month from the date of submission of the review text to the author;

– Authors should observe scientific ethics and correctness if there is a need to criticize colleagues;

– The author grants the publisher of the journal free of charge the right to publish the article and make it publicly available on the Internet;

– In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the author of the manuscript grants the editorial office the right to reproduce the scientific work in the journal “Kazakhstan archeology” with a restriction on the circulation of its printed version – 200 copies of the corresponding issue of the journal, without term limits for the article or journal in the electronic version; the right to freely distribute the article in any medium worldwide as a separate work and/or as part of a journal; the right to store, process and use article metadata through promotion and dissemination, processing and systematization, as well as inclusion in various databases and information systems, including with limited (paid) access;

– The author is obliged to comply with the rules for the provision of materials for publication, developed and published by the editorial office, fully and unconditionally accepts the terms of publication;

– Authors receive confirmation of receipt of goods to the editorial office by e-mail;

– In case of republishing the article, the author should not violate the rights of the journal “Kazakhstan archeology”, indicating the place of the first publication of the material;

– If an article is translated by a publishing house from a foreign language into Kazakh or Russian, the author has the right to freely dispose of the original article and publish it in other publications, but only after the article is published in Kazakh/Russian in the journal “Kazakhstan archeology”, with mandatory indication of the place and language of the first publication;

– The author is not restricted in publicating an electronic copy of the material published in the journal in Internet resources, provided that the place of the first publication of the material is mandatory;


The editorial board adheres to ethical standards in its work and, above all, defending the right to editorial independence. Placement of promotional materials and sponsorship can not influence in any way on editorial decisions and editorial content. The journal does not publish materials to accompany the advertising and does not sell advertising for specific articles. Advertising and information materials is not mixed with the editorial content.

All decisions on advertising placement are only accepted by the publisher. The editors reserve the right not to accept advertising materials, placement does not meet the publication policy.