
Akhan Onggaruly, Director General of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology, Candidate of Historical Sciences and Associate Professor.

Scientific interests of the editor-in-chief of the journal "Kazakhstan Archeology" include issues related to the study of archaeological cultures of the steppe belt of Eurasia of the early Iron Age, in particular, funeral rite and construction features of structures, paleoarchitecture, horse equipment, weapons and military affairs, cultural contacts, economics, ancient technologies, art, worldview, etc. In addition, such aspects as "The Xiongnu and Huns of Eurasia", "Preservation, protection and popularization of the intangible and tangible cultural heritage of Kazakhstan" hold a valuable place in the creative biography of the researcher.

In 2001, Akhan Onggaruly graduated with honors from the Master's degree program of the al-Farabi Kazakh State National University in the specialty "Archaeology and Ethnology". He started his path to big science in 1997 with the study of antiquities in the Mayemer steppe as part of an international expedition of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology headed by Zainolla Samashev. As a student, for a number of years he took part in the excavations of the Berel monument, widely known to the international scientific community. This is a unique archaeological site where artifacts have been preserved, shedding light on various aspects of the material and spiritual culture of the ancient population of the Kazakh Altai. The experience gained as a student greatly influenced the formation of the basic scientific principles of the archaeologist, among which an important role belongs to the use of a multidisciplinary approach in research. It also served as the basis for writing and successfully defending his Candidate's thesis.

Today, Akhan Onggaruly leads the staff of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology; he has a huge responsibility for the implementation of a number of projects within the framework of fundamental scientific research, program-targeted and grant funding. In addition, thanks to the developed strategy, the Institute is committed to collaboration with both domestic and international research centers, museums and other organizations interested in cooperation and implementation of research projects with the staff of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology.

The research results, as well as the results of the work carried out within the framework of international cooperation, are reflected in a number of publications of various kinds – articles, books, catalogs. Akhan Ongпaruly is the author and co-author of more than 100 works published both in Kazakhstan and abroad.

More detailed information about the editor-in-chief of the journal "Kazakhstan Archeology" can be found on the website of the Margulan Institute of Archaeology. URL: https://archeo.kz/ru/sotrudniki/44/

E-mail: onggaruly.a@gmail.com