Author Guidelines

Articles must be original, and previously published material cannot be repeated.

Requirements for manuscript sections:

1. Last name and initials of the author(s) should by specified on the first page after the title of the paper.

2. Then, a detailed Abstract should be given (at least 150 words or 800 characters including spaces). The Abstract should include the following aspects of the paper contents: subject, topic, purpose of the work (specified if not fully disclosed in the title); methods of work (described if characterized by novelty or of interest from the viewpoint of the work); results of the work (major results, author's conclusions, original discoveries); conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, hypotheses described in the work. The following should be avoided in the Abstract: phrases duplicating the title of the work; descriptive generalizations, unnecessary introductory phrases (for instance, “the author of the paper is addressing...”), complex grammar structures; generally known provisions; information of a historiographic nature, if it does not constitute the main content of the work; the names of previously published works should not be given.

3. Keywords Up to 10 keywords should be given, facilitating the indexing of the paper in search engines.  The keywords should reflect the main content of the paper and disclose the following aspects of the work: region, chronology, subject matter, special terminology. The keywords should be arranged not in alphabetical order, but according to the degree of importance, separated by the “semicolon” punctuation mark, with no “period” punctuation mark at the end.  

4.The volume of the text is (Model of article design) For the section:

  • "Research and Publications" – 15–40 thousand characters (with spaces), including tables, list of literature, sub-figure captions and annotations. The article should include no more than 8–10 illustrations.
  • "Discussions". 5–15 thousand signs. No more than 5–8 illustrations are attached to the article.
  • "Criticism and bibliography" – 15–20 thousand signs and 1 illustration. When compiling a bibliography of the works of a scientist, only the main, most significant works should be specified (not more than 20–25 works).
  • "Chronicle" – not more than 15 thousand characters and 2–3 illustrations.

5. Bibliographic references to literature and sources in the text are given in square brackets: the name of the author without initials (except for the works of namesakes) or a shorten name (if the publication does not have an author), the year of publication by comma; link to page, figure, etc. [Margulan 1948: 3; Akishev K.А. 1978; Akishev K.А., Akishev А.K. 1997: 35].

6. References to the figures are given in parentheses, the item position in the figure is indicated in italics: (fig. 1, 2; 2, 1). The size of figures or tables should not exceed 1/3 of the article.

Do not: tab; mark words with a spacing (between words, there must be only one space between characters); separate paragraphs with an empty line; use commands that run in automatic mode (insert footnotes on literature, hyperlinks and notes, mark and number paragraphs, etc.); use macros, save text as a template, and set to read-only; format text and force hyphenation. The specified units of measure shall correspond to SI system.

7. The list of literature is compiled in alphabetical order (surname and initials of the author, title of the work, place, publishing house, year of publication, pages) in the original language. First in Cyrillic, then in Latin (English, German, French, etc.). The bibliographic list should not be made too long (not more than 35), references to the author's own works (authors) should be not more than 25%. At the end of the article, you must specify a list of accepted abbreviations.