
  • Boris A. Zheleznyakov



archaeology, Jetysu and Ordos, Mongolian empire, Eastern Christianity, Nestorians, Onguts, Naymans, Monophysites, Catholics, Armenians, tomb stones kayraks


The memorable stele with Nestorian symbolic also Chinese and Syrian inscriptions is the source on penetration of a mission of the Church in the 630th, states of bases of belief and acts of church till 781 – the installation time of a stele has been dug out accidentally in the 17th century in the historic center of China. Opening of the Nestorian antiquities relating to the 12–14th centuries in the Chu Valley (Jetysu) and in Ordos in both cases in the 80th of the 19th century have attracted huge interest to this subject. In spite of the fact that for various reasons studying of antiquities in regions happened to the nuances, regions are removed on 3,5 thousand km, and results of these researches have a lot in common. It is much common in dating and language of inscriptions and iconography and funeral ceremony. The Christianity gets into the Southern Kazakhstan and Jetysu in the 5–6th centuries, according to archaeological sources and the remains of Сhurch chronicles. History of Christianity in Middle East can be divided into several periods. Jetysu for many centuries was the region connecting metropolia of Eastern and Western Asia. Christianity in Jetysu almost stops by the 11th century. According to Arab sources there were few mass migrations of Turkic Christians to Jetysu from the East. At the beginning of the 12th century it was Sharafaz-ZamanTakhir al-Marvazi, in his book “Tabaz al-hayvan” (“The nature of animals”) author reported that the Turkic-speaking people of Kun and Kai were Christians and because of narrowness of pastures they migrated to Jetysu from Northern China in large quantities. Mass character and similarity of artifacts like kayraks confirm this evidence.


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How to Cite

Zheleznyakov Б. А. (2019). TOMB STONE-KAYRAKS – MASS SOURCE ON CHRISTIANITY OF THE 12–14th CENTURIES IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN ASIA. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (5), 122–141.



Archaeology issues