«KNIGHT WITHOUT FEAR AND REPROACH» (To the 110-th anniversary of birth of Sergei Chernikov)


  • Marina V. Bedelbayeva




archaeology, S. Chernikov, East Kazakhstan, Bronze era, ancient metallurgy, early nomads, mound


The article is devoted to life and scientific activity of S.S. Chernikov (1909–1976) – a famous archaeologist, researcher of the ancient history of East Kazakhstan, whose 110th anniversary is celebrated this year. From 1947 to the 1972 he was a permanent head of the East Kazakhstan archaeological expedition. Fundamental works of S.S. Chernikov made a significant contribution to the development of chronology of the Bronze age sites of the region and to the definition of General contours of the socio-economic history of ancient societies. A major discovery and an important site included in the world Fund of archaeology, began his excavation of the famous “Golden mound” in Chilikty valley.


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How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В. (2019). «KNIGHT WITHOUT FEAR AND REPROACH» (To the 110-th anniversary of birth of Sergei Chernikov). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (5), 46–61. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2019.



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