
  • Marina V. Bedelbayeva Saryarka archaeological Institute, academician E.A. Buketov Karagandy State University, Karagandy, Kazakhstan




archaeology, K.I. Satpayev, Central Kazakhstan, ancient monuments, museums, mines, expedition


The article is devoted to the 120th anniversary of Academician K.I. Satpayev, it also considers contribution of the great scientist and talented organizer of science to the archaeology of Kazakhstan. The researcher from his youth was actively interested in ancient and medieval history, enthusiastically collected and recorded samples of oral folk art of Kazakhs, reflecting the Golden Horde period. In his student years, studying at Tomsk Technological University, he continued to collect materials about Yedige-batyr in academic
libraries and archives. In the course of geological surveys in Central Kazakhstan (Ulytau district of Karaganda region) K.I. Satpayev described with interest the material evidence of bygone eras – individual artifacts, rock paintings, ancient ore mining, mounds, menhirs, balbals, mausoleums, not limited to fixing their location, and making attempts to periodize and reproduce the historical context. The geologist-professional’s substantial conclusions included a detailed reconstruction of the processes of extraction, primary enrichment and smelting of non-ferrous metals, and mathematical calculations based on years of field experience, allowed to assume the amount of copper ore mined in ancient times, amounting to at least one million tons. A width of historical views and talent of the field researcher has allowed K.I. Satpayev not only found a plate with the inscription of Tamerlan on the hill Altynshoky known in science as “Karsakpay”, but also to make its reading the property of the world science, attracting researchers with new aspects up to the present time. And although K.I. Satpayev himself never participated in archaeological excavations, the direct activity and organizational talent of the first President of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR contributed to the opening of the sector of archaeology at the Institute of history, archeology and ethnography, the creation of the Central Kazakhstan archaeological expedition, the formation of the national school of archaeology and professional formation of a whole galaxy of famous archaeologists.


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How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В. (2019). K.I. SATPAYEV’S CONTRIBUTION IN FORMATION OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE OF KAZAKHSTAN. Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (4), 89–104. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2019.



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