
  • Emma D. Zilivinskaya N.N. Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS, Moscow, Russia



archaeology, Central Asia, Armenia, Asia Minor, Iran, Great Silk Road, Middle Ages, trade, caravanserai, genesis, classification


With the development of trade on the caravan routes, inns appear, the earliest known already in the 2nd millennium BC. After the Arab conquests in the East, a fairly standard and well-known inn type, called “caravanserai” or “han “. In Central Asia and Iran, at
the heart of the caravanserai plan is a vast courtyard surrounded by powerful walls, to which various premises are attached from within. In Armenia, an original type of closed caravanserai hall was developed. The most common type of caravanserai in Asia Minor is a synthesis of courtyard and hall buildings. Despite the fact that there are quite a few generalizing works in which caravanserais of various countries of the East are collected and analyzed, a classification of this very important category of buildings has not yet been
created. The proposed typology is based on the planimetry of buildings. The proposed classification uses the following characteristics: the presence or absence of an open courtyard, the number of courtyards, the shape of the plan, the number of entrances, the building of the courtyard, the location of the rooms, the presence of a colonnade. The proposed classification is quite universal and reflects most of the elements that make up the floor plan. In addition, it allows you to depict the layout of buildings in the form of a short code.


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How to Cite

Zilivinskaya Э. Д. (2019). CARAVANSERAIS: GENESIS, REGIONAL FEATURES, CLASSIFICATION. Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (4), 39–65.



Archaeology issues