
  • Bakyt М. Khassenova A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan



archaeology, F.Kh. Arslanova, Eastern Kazakhstan, Upper Irtysh, Middle Ages, Kimak Kaganate, history of archaeology, society, gender studies, woman, jewelry


In the scientific work of F.Kh. Arslanova significant place occupied by gender studies. The author expressed an opinion about the special social status of women, whose funeral inventory contained toreutics objects (these burials also differed by specific placement in the family group and in the burial space). Despite the fact that the researcher obtained the most important information on the funeral rite of representatives of the Kimak nobility, it is important to note that in scientific terms she was interested in the status of the woman. F.Kh. Arslanova became an innovator of gender studies in the archaeology of Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Khassenova Б. М. (2019). THE STATUS OF A WOMAN IN KIMAK SOCIETY IN WORKS OF F.Kh. ARSLANOVA. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (3), 61–72.



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