
  • Vladimir V. Saraev A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute, Kazakhstan
  • Fatima Т. Kozhegulova



archaeology, Ile Alatau, Uzyn-Kargaly gorge, mountain zone, settlement, standing, economy, life, cattle breeding, petroglyphs, dugout, hearth, chimney, the Early Iron Age


This work is devoted to the reconstruction of the method of heating the dwellingdugout and possible options for the functional purpose of such premises in the economic and household traditions of the ancient population of the Ile Alatau. In 2018, the authors were researchers of Ancient settlements at the mouth of the Uzyn-Kargaly gorge. Reconstructions the economic structure of the population of this district have done. Dugout was cleared in the valley of the stream Kainarbulak. There wasn`t hearth for heating in the design of the room. In the house-building of Ancient pastoralists of the mountain zone of the region there was a tradition of construction of small earthlings with external heating of stone walls. The wall hearth with a chimney allowed people to save the positive factors (fast heating, low fuel consumption) of the room of small volume and increases the useful area in favor of the inhabitants. These premises could be used both for living and for economic purposes, for example, as a smokehouse. The chronological parameters of the occurrence of such traditions according to the materials of the complex of Ancient sites of pastoralists in the valley of the brook Kainarbulak allow to attribute it to the Wusun period of the Early Iron Age.


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How to Cite

Saraev В. В., & Kozhegulova Ф. Т. (2019). TECHNIQUE OF HEATING OF ANCIENT DUGOUTS IN THE FOOTHILLS AND MOUNTAIN ZONE OF THE ILE ALATAU. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (3), 28–42.



Archaeology issues