TOUCHING TO ANCIENCY: SCIENTIST BIOGRAPHY PAGES (for the anniversary of K.M. Karabaspakova)


  • Marina V. Bedelbayeva Saryarka archaeological Institute, Karagandy state university after academician E.A. Buketov, Karagandy, Kazakhstan



archaeology, K.M. Karabaspakova, Jetysu, Bronze аge, archaeological culture, research scientific, University, museum


The article outlines the main landmarks of the life path of Kultai Mukhamedevna Karabasakova, an archaeologist, museum worker, teacher. Her name is well known to professional researchers of the Bronze Age of Eurasia. In her youth, having learned the romance of searching in geological expeditions, she dreamed of becoming a historian, an archeologist. She considers K.A. Akishev and G.B. Zdanovich as her teachers. The main scientific interests of K.M. Karabaspakova are associated with the study of the bronze epoch of Jetysu and South Kazakhstan.


Karabaspakova, K. M. 2014. In Baitanayev, B. A., Baipakov, K. M. (Ed.) Voskhozhdenie k vershinam arheologii: sb. mater. mezhdunar. nauchn. konf. «Drevnie i srednevekovye gosudarstva na territorii Kazahstana», posvyashch. 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya K.A. Akisheva (Climbing to the heights of archeology: mater. International scientific conf. “The ancient and medieval states in the territory of Kazakhstan,” dedicated the 90th anniversary of the birth of K.A. Akishev). Almaty: A. Kh. Margulan Institute of Archaeology Publ., 56-58.

Beisenov, A. Z. 2011. In Beisenov, A. Z. (Ed.) Karabaspakova, K. M. Jetysu i Yuzhnui Kazakhstan v epohu bronzy (Jetysu and South Kazakhstan in the Bronze Age). Almaty: NICIA «Begazy–Tasmola», A.Kh. Margulan Archaeology Institute Publ., 5-6.



How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В. (2018). TOUCHING TO ANCIENCY: SCIENTIST BIOGRAPHY PAGES (for the anniversary of K.M. Karabaspakova). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 344–353.