Epigraphic monuments of the Tobol river region: preliminary results of a comprehensive study





ethnoarcheology, expedition, Tobol, Epigraphy, tombstone, text in Arabic script, source


The article presents the results of field research conducted in the Denisovsky, Kamystinsky, and Zhitikarinsky districts of Kostanay region as part of a study on the population's use of the natural and ecological niche during various epochs, based on the analysis of historical and cultural heritage objects in the southern part of the Kazakh Tobol region. The aim is to determine the importance of the epigraphic monuments found during fieldwork, translate the Arabic-script text into modern Kazakh, and supplement the discovered data on historical figures with archival documents. The primary material for the research consists of tombstones from the Qarpyq Zhamanqarin dynasty, located in the Denisovsky district of the Kostanay region. Historical, documentary, philological, paleographic, textological, chronological, ethnolinguistic, and comparative methods, commonly used in the study of epigraphic monuments, were applied to the materials. A total of 11 stone stelae with inscriptions have been studied, originating from the burial ground near the aul of Qarpyq (Denisovsky district, Kostanay region). The article analyzes and introduces into scientific discourse the epitaphs from three kulpytases — the stone installed on the grave of Qarpyq Zhamankarin, known in the region as a bai* (*in Kazakh – a wealthy person) engaged in trade between Tobol and Bukhariya, as well as the tombstones of his two wives, Ulpan Qultyqyzy and Momynai Aqtasqyzy. The Arabic-script epigraphic monuments of the Kazakh Tobol river region are a valuable source for studying the culture of the Steppe population.


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How to Cite

Jumabekova Г. С., Dyussenov Б. Д., Taran Н. И., Manapova А. М., & Bazarbayeva Г. А. (2024). Epigraphic monuments of the Tobol river region: preliminary results of a comprehensive study. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25), 186–206. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



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