The medieval site Kosozen in the Kaskelen River valley




medieval urban culture, trade route, medieval site, Ili Valley, Silk Road, archaeology


In 2022, a significant assemblage of artifacts (over 90 items) was discovered near the village of Kosozen, in the Kaskelen River valley, north of Almaty. The concentrated arrangement of these items marks an unfortified medieval site situated along a trade route connecting the Ili River crossing with urban settlements in the foothills of the Zailiysky (Ili) Alatau. The metal artifacts from the site fall into several distinct categories: jewelry (rings, signet rings, amulet pendants), belt and horse harness components (buckles, decorative plaques, bells, rivets), coins, and weapons. Although the exploratory trench at the site did not reveal substantial archaeological layer, the collective dating of the artifact assemblage suggests the encampment was in use for an extended period, from the mid-8th to the mid-13th century.


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How to Cite

Rogozhinskiy А. Е., & Shatokhin А. С. (2024). The medieval site Kosozen in the Kaskelen River valley. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25), 135–150.



Field studies