
  • Dokey A. Taleev A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
  • Madiyar Eleuov Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Syrym Esenov KR National Museum, Astana, Kazakhstan



archaeology, Kyzylorda, Koltogan, Kyshkala, Kyshtobe, research, sources, localization, excavation, exploration, topography


The article presents the results of archaeological excavations in 2018, carried out at the ancient Kaskala. The monument is located near the village of Kogalykol, 30 km South of Kyzylorda. The paper provides a brief overview of the history of archaeological research of the monument, the question of its localization known from written sources. In determining the historical name of the settlement were analyzed different views of experts. In addition, based on the opinion of many researchers mapped the city Kaskala with Barshynkent, located on the Bank of the ancient bed of the Syr Darya – Barshyndariya. Also collected written information about the city Barshynkent.


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How to Cite

Taleev Д. А. ., Eleuov М., & Esenov С. (2018). MYSTERIOUS HISTORY OF KYSHKALA. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 259–271.



Field studies