Metal objects from the surroundings of the Burabay mountain forest massif: preliminary interpretation



archaeology, Bronze Age, Burabay, chance finds, knife, Petrovka culture, sickle, settlement


The article introduces random finds from Northern Kazakhstan into scientific circulation. The metal objects (sickle, knives, cast rings) likely originate from the disturbed layers of the Akkain and Karabaur settlements. The authors conducted a morphological-typological characterization, identifying several types of knives, drawing analogies, and proposing a cultural-chronological attribution. Preliminary results indicate that the metal objects are from different time periods and can be dated to the Late Bronze Age. Further research on the discovered items will facilitate the study of the distribution of metal artifacts of the Petrovka culture in the region and the emergence of imports from sources in the East Asian province.


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How to Cite

Mussayeva Р. С., Sakenov С. К., & Bilyalova Г. Д. (2024). Metal objects from the surroundings of the Burabay mountain forest massif: preliminary interpretation. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25). Retrieved from



Field studies