Review of Tribal Symbols of Altai Kazakhs



tanba, sign, Kazakh people, clan-tribe, Altai Kazakhs


There is a lot of historical data on the use of signs by nomadic peoples since ancient times. It is not known from what language the words tamga, tamaga, damga, used in the ordinary sense among Turkic and Mongolian peoples, were originated. According to written sources, the information about the sign is recorded in the ancient Turkic language in the form of tamγa or tamγačï, and in some Persian and Turkish sources - “belgü”, “ tuγraγ (tuγra)”, “mühür”, “mör”, “tamγa”, “tavro”, “nişan”words are written in the meaning of a sign, symbol. The concept of “tamga” was used differently or equally by Turkic and Mongolian peoples, who have had close ties since ancient times. From the historical point of view it is known that the use of the symbol went through different stages of development. Especially in different periods of the Stone Age, the signs and symbols were used to designate specific places, holy places, possession of weapons and various other things. However, in the Paleolithic-Neolithic period, although social organizations were not developed, the signs were widely used, but their exact definition still requires scientific research. The archaeological excavations show that the tradition of using signs originated in very early times. Based on such historical and archaeological data, it can be assumed that the use of symbols among nomadic tribes began in the Bronze Age, even earlier. However, to date, the international studies have explored the traditions of sign formation and use, but the research conducted on the history and use of signs among nomadic peoples is still insufficient. This article presents brief scientific information about “tanba (sign, symbol)” and gives information about the meaning of Kazakh tribes and the system of signs and symbols of the Altai Kazakhs.


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How to Cite

Syeitkhan Ш., & Samashev С. Қ. (2024). Review of Tribal Symbols of Altai Kazakhs. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25). Retrieved from



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