The construction history of the medieval settlement of Kyzylkala (Mangystau) and the issues of its chronology



archaeology, Mangystau Region, Kyzylkala Settlement, fortress, construction horizons, chronology, Middle Ages, residential buildings, adobe masonry, pakhsa


The article presents the results of archaeological research on the settlement of Kyzylkala, the only urban-type medieval archaeological monument in the Mangystau region. The emergence of the fortified settlement here was linked to the functioning of a trade route connecting Khorezm with the steppe region of Western Kazakhstan, where Kyzylkala served as a way station. The monument is situated on a flat elevation in the central part of a rocky ridge and is represented by the ruined remains of a strong stone fortress wall, a citadel, a necropolis, and an extensive water supply system. The fortress perimeter is surrounded by numerous estates. The total area of the complex is estimated to be over 70 hectares. Archaeological excavations were conducted to study the construction history of the monument and to determine its chronological framework. As a result, preliminary data indicate that five construction horizons were identified at the settlement, which in turn can be subdivided into nine periods, likely linked to event-related chronological causes. It was established that the initial construction of the fortress wall, distinguished by its structural features and the parameters of adobe and raw clay masonry, was carried out according to the building principles and traditions of Khorezmian craftsmen. Based on the identification of features related to the architectural standards and norms of that time, the analysis of the ceramic complex, and the stratified division of construction horizons, a preliminary attempt is made to determine relative chronological markers in the construction history of the monument. According to these markers, the settlement of Kyzylkala is dated to the last third or quarter of the 10th to 13th centuries.


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How to Cite

Astafiev А. Е. (2024). The construction history of the medieval settlement of Kyzylkala (Mangystau) and the issues of its chronology. Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25). Retrieved from



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