Serektas-2 – wintering for cattle breeders in the transition period from the Final Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (Zhetysu)




archaeology, Serektas-2, transitional period, trace research, archaeozoology, pottery, typology


The article presents an overview of archaeological materials and methods used for the analysis of bone and stone tools, ceramics and animal bones from the settlement of the late 2nd to early 1st millennium BC in Zhetysu (Semirechye). The manufacturing technology is described based on microscopic observations, and the functional characteristics of the artifacts are provided. The principles of pottery classification are described in detail. In the archaeozoological investigation, the taxonomic composition of domestic and wild animals was determined, age and external characteristics, the ratio of skeletal elements and the time of death of the animals were evaluated. 1.638 animal bones were examined, of which 1.259 bones could be identified to the species. Among the osteological remains, samples from domestic animals predominate (74.2%), bones of wild mammals (22.6%) and reptiles (3.2%) were found. In both cultural strata, the bones of small animals (63.9%) dominate among the hoofed animals, followed by the bones of horses (24.3%) and cattle (11.3%). Dog and camel bones were found in small numbers. The structure of the bone material shows that sheep were slaughtered mainly at the age of 2 to 4 years, and horses at the age of 5 to 15 years.


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How to Cite

Yermolaeva А. С., Yerzhanova А. Е., Shagirbayev М. С., & Dubyagina Е. В. (2024). Serektas-2 – wintering for cattle breeders in the transition period from the Final Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age (Zhetysu). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 174–197.



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