Unpublished materials for the discussion of “History of the Kazakh SSR” of 1943: speech by A. Margulan

(to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician)





archaeology, A. Margulan, history of Kazakhstan, archive, biographical research, Betpakdala, Kipchaks


The personality of academician A. Margulan, whose 120th birthday is celebrated this year, is a landmark for Kazakhstani science and arouses close interest among researchers due to its versatility. This article analyzes a previously unpublished archival document containing a transcript of A. Margulan's speech at a meeting of the Academic Council of the Institute of History of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow, 1945) regarding the discussion of the book "History of the Kazakh SSR from Ancient Times to the Present Day," published in 1943. The country's top party leadership condemned the concept of the history of Kazakhstan, accusing the team of authors of manifestations of bourgeois nationalism and a departure from Marxist-Leninist theory. A. Margulan, one of the authors who wrote a section on the history of the Golden Horde, was the only scientist to defend his position and scientific conclusions. This document confirms the characterization of A. Margulan as a scientist who was irreconcilable to power pressure and capable of defending fundamental postulates. The materials in the article concretize the academician's scientific biography and the process of his formation as an archaeologist.


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How to Cite

Zhumashev Р. М., & Bedelbayeva М. В. (2024). Unpublished materials for the discussion of “History of the Kazakh SSR” of 1943: speech by A. Margulan : (to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 122–136. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



Archaeology issues