To the study of the significance of ancient turks male belt sets




archaeology, Middle Ages, Tarbagatai, Eleke sazy, Kimaks, Karluks, burial with a horse, belt set


The article is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of materials discovered during the study of barrow no. 3 of the ancient Turkic era of the Eleke Sazy archaeological complex on the territory of Tarbagatai. The burial facility is located in the immediate vicinity of the cult-memorial complex of the Kagan-princely type. In the barrow, the burial of an individual with a horse and a rich set of accompanying equipment, which included items of military service, elements of horse decoration and household items, was investigated. Of particular interest is the belt set, consisting of 16 metal plaques of various configurations, which indicates the high social status of the buried individual. This set contains elements that stand out for their originality and lack of direct analogues, which emphasizes its uniqueness. In addition, the study focuses on the description of the architectural characteristics of the burial structure, including its shape, dimensions and internal organization. The ground structure of the barrow is considered an important ethno-cultural sign, reflecting the peculiarities of the funeral ritual. Identified elements of the ritual reflect features of funeral practice typical for one of the Turkic-speaking groups. Correlation between new materials and written evidence confirms the presence of representatives of the Karluk and Kimak tribes in the territory of the studied area in the specified historical period. The analysis of the object complex, combined with the results of radiocarbon analysis, made it possible to establish the chronological boundaries of the construction of mound no. 3 in the period of the 8th-9th centuries.


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How to Cite

Samashev З., & Aitkali А. (2024). To the study of the significance of ancient turks male belt sets. Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 9–24.



Archaeology issues