Flat Graves of the Final Stone Age at the Mayskoye V Barrow Burial Ground

(North-East Kazakhstan)





archaeology, Pavlodar Irtysh river region, Neolithic and Eneolithic, flat graves, funeral rite


Data on two ground burials of the final Stone Age from the Irtysh region are being introduced into scientific circulation. A comparative analysis of materials and ritual actions with the funeral traditions of that era in adjacent and more distant regions is carried out: North-Western Baraba, Upper Ob river region, Baikal Lake region. The correspondence of the funeral rite with the traditions of treating the dead that had been widespread in that territory in the Neolithic-Early Metal Age has been established – variability in the handling of remains, predominant orientation in the north-east direction, tiered paired burials, the use of ochre and fire. The accompanying grave goods make it possible to attribute the burials to the circle of influence of the Baikal Neolithic burial traditions. It is assumed that their influence was indirect, through the burial complexes of the Upper Ob river region. A combination with materials from burial complexes of the North-Western Baraba like Protoki and Vengerovo 2A was revealed. Part of the material reflects the features of the Eneolithic stone industry of the Shiderty aspect. The current status of the source and the range of analogies suggest the authors to refrain from an unambiguous cultural and chronological identification of the burials in graves 2 and 3 of Barrow nr. 3 of the Mayskoye V burial ground and consider them Neo-Eneolithic until new materials will have become available.


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How to Cite

Zakharov С. В., Merts В. К., & Rakhimzhanova С. Ж. . (2024). Flat Graves of the Final Stone Age at the Mayskoye V Barrow Burial Ground: (North-East Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (23), 130–153. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



Field studies