Turkic fences of Zhanazhurt

(Central Kazakhstan)





early Middle Ages, Turks, history of study, memorial complex


The study of memorial and ritual complexes is one of the important directions of Turkic problems. It is especially prioritized for the Central Kazakhstan region. Here, only the aspect connected with the statuary tradition is the most elaborated. The studies of monuments of the early Middle Ages for a long time had not a comprehensive character. They were rather few in number, especially against the background of the amount of work on complexes of other historical periods. During the last decade the works on Turkic fences have increased. This actualizes some generalization of the history of their study, implemented within the framework of this article. As a result, at the moment we have data on at least 34 constructions. The materials of the Zhanazhurt complex, where two freestanding quadrangular fences were excavated, are also being introduced into the scientific turnover. As for the purpose of the Turkic fences, based on written sources, as well as the results of field work, we can speak about their mainly memorial purpose. In fact, they are highly simplified and reduced analog of the Kagan-princely complexes of Mongolia. Taking into account the largely debatable nature of the chronological correlation of various types of fences, we consider it possible at the moment to date them in a wide time range within the second half of the 6th–8th/9th centuries.


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How to Cite

Dmitriev Е. А., Kukushkin А. И., & Kukushkin И. А. (2024). Turkic fences of Zhanazhurt: (Central Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 223–235. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



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