Results of analysis of ceramic and osteological materials from medieval tortkul hillforts of Zhargul: paleoeconomic aspect

(South Kazakhstan)




archaeology, archaeozoology, Talas valley, 9th–12th centuries, Zhargul tortkuls, craft, ceramics, economy


The article introduces into scientific circulation the materials obtained during excavations at the complex of Zhargul sites, consisting of three tortkuls located on the left-bank terrace of the Talas river. The purpose of field research was to determine the chronology, topography and functions of these monuments. The section laid on the Zhargul-1 tortkul made it possible to determine the depth of the cultural layer (2.3 m). Two construction horizons with a thickness of 1.0–1.1 m are recorded on the sites of Zhargul-2 and 3. During the excavations, a collection of ceramic and osteological materials was obtained. The latter has 946 animal bones, of which 667 (70.5%) were identified up to the species. The osteological collection contains 98.5% of domestic and 1.5% of wildlife. The results of radiocarbon analysis showed that the lower layer of Zhargul-1 tortkul was formed at the end of the 9th century, and the lower building horizon of Zhargul-2 tortkul, at the end of the 11th – beginning of the 12th century. The analysis of ceramics shows that the dishes of the Zhargul tortkuls are similar to those originating from other nearby monuments of the 10th–12th centuries. At the same time, the technical and technological analysis of glazed dishes demonstrates that it is identical to the products of the city of Taraz, which was the economic and social center of the region. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the Zhargul tortkuls were fortified settlements located along the caravan routes during the Karakhanid era. The population living here was engaged in crafts, agriculture and maintained close connections with the inhabitants of the semi-desert zone of the Talas Valley.


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How to Cite

Akymbek Е. Ш., Shagirbayev М. С., & Nurgali Н. Б. (2024). Results of analysis of ceramic and osteological materials from medieval tortkul hillforts of Zhargul: paleoeconomic aspect: (South Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (23), 256–287.



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