A lifetime-long archaeological epic: history of the creation and the main milestones of the North Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition





North Kazakhstan, Stone Age, Bronze Age, archaeological exploration, sites, artifacts, traceology


The North Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition (NKAE) was established by G. Zdanovich in 1967 on the basis of the Petropavlovsk State Pedagogical Institute named after K. Ushinsky and the North Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History. In the 1970s and 1980s, the following organizations took part in financing the work of the expedition: the Regional Society for the Protection of Monuments; the Regional Children's Excursion and Tourist Station; the Palace of Pioneers. Thanks to these organizations, hundreds of monuments of historical and cultural heritage were discovered and examined, and it became possible to annually, for three to four months, conduct research on large monuments of different eras by excavating large areas. Based on the materials obtained, NKAE scientists have developed the periodization and chronology of the Mesolithic and Neolithic, the Bronze Age of the Andronovo cultural and historical community and the Early Iron Age of the Ural-Kazakh steppes. Hundreds of thousands of artifacts were integrated into scholarly discourse, new archaeological cultures were discovered and highlighted: the Atbasar Neolithic culture, the Botai culture of the first horse breeders, the Petrovsky culture of ancient bronze workers with war chariots and settlements with defensive structures, the Sargary culture of the final bronze; hundreds of scientific works were published. The periods of the Paleolithic and the Middle Ages are still poorly studied.


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How to Cite

Pleshakov А. А., & Kovshova Н. С. (2024). A lifetime-long archaeological epic: history of the creation and the main milestones of the North Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (23), 96–114. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



Archaeology issues