
  • Erbolat А. Smagulov A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Pavel N. Petrov A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Aisulu A. Erjigitova South Kazakhstan Regional Museum of Local History, Shymkent, Kazakhstan




archaeology, settlement, cultural layer, construction horizon, ceramic complex, shahristan, fals, dirham, coin, Qaiduids, Ögedeids, Chaghatayids


We started system archaeological works on the settlement of Shoi-Tobe (near the city of Turkestan). As a result, new data on the history of the upper construction horizon were obtained. Stratigraphic, numismatic, and topographic studies finally convince that the medieval city ceased to exist in the first decade of the XIV century. This settlement is the only one in the region that can be correlated with the historical city of Shavgar, the medieval capital of the district. This is evidenced by the complex of glazed ceramics, and numismatic collection obtained during excavations in shahristan.


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Z / No - Internet database www.zeno.ru and the number of the coin in the database.



How to Cite

Smagulov Е. А., Petrov П. Н., & Erjigitova А. А. . (2018). WHEN THE MEDIEVAL CITY OF SHAVGAR HAD DEFUNCT: NEW DATA BY THE CHRONOLOGY OF THE UPPER LAYERS OF THE SCHOY-TOBE SITE (TURKESTAN OASIS). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 164–189. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2018.1-2.1-2.164.189



Archaeology issues