Criteria for identifying, number and territory of Sintashta-Petrovka type fortified settlements




Sintashta-Petrovka type fortified settlements, Ural-Kazakh steppes, bronze age, sintashta culture, petrovka culture, Sintashta, Arkaim, Petrovka II


Four main criteria have been proposed that characterize fortified settlements of the Sintashta-Petrovka type: 1 – location near the banks of rivers and lakes of the Ural-Kazakhstan northern steppes, 2 – closed fortified areas of certain shapes (round and rectangular, plus their combinations) and sizes (0.5-3.5 hectares), 3 – dense buildings inside fortifications with rows of similar large dwellings, 4 – correspondence of such an architectural model to the materials of the sintashta and petrovka archaeological cultures. Various options for calculating the number of such settlements are considered. In accordance with the proposed criteria and the results of recent discoveries, research and publications, at the time of writing, 30 objects are known. This number can be increased due to the discovery on satellite images of 4 more structures similar to Sintashta-Petrovka type fortified settlements. The area of settlements, taking into account the applied counting system and the discovery of new «candidate» objects, can be designated by an extended and fairly wide strip (250x700 km) of the Ural-Kazakhstan steppes from the Ural Mountains to the Ishim region, thus connecting two previously separate clusters in the Southern Trans-Urals and Northern Kazakhstan.


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How to Cite

Soldatkin Н. (2024). Criteria for identifying, number and territory of Sintashta-Petrovka type fortified settlements. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1 (23), 218–232.



Interdisciplinary research