About the function of the glazed vessel found in the city of Gabala

(North-Western part of Azerbaijan)





Medieval, Gabala, glazed vessel, medicine, Muslim East, Seljuqs


The article examines a glazed vessel discovered in the city of Gabala (Azerbaijan Republic), which is kept in the archaeological fund of the National Historical Museum of Azerbaijan. The structure and shape of the artifact are interesting. A vessel of a similar shape has not been found on other medieval monuments of Azerbaijan. The article presents some ideas about the purpose of the object and its use. The vessel is reddish in color, covered with brown and green glaze. The bowl has a flask-shaped tube inside and a round hole. It was concluded that the vessel could have been used in the preparation of medicinal products from plants.


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How to Cite

İsmailova, A. (2024). About the function of the glazed vessel found in the city of Gabala: (North-Western part of Azerbaijan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 268–274. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



Interdisciplinary research