About the results of research in the medieval settlement Saraishyq

(based on the materials of the 2022 field season)





archaeology, medieval settlement, room, corridor, tandyr oven, bell, pool


The article presents the results of archaeological work continued in 2022 at the excavation № 3 of the medieval settlement of Saraishyq. The excavation is located on the site of the settlement, in the coastal strip of the Zhaiyk River. The work carried out earlier here consisted of two stages. The first stage of work was completed in 2019. At the upper cultural layer (15th–16th centuries) family burials were revealed – crypts and dozens of single grave pits, parts of residential and utility rooms. At the second stage, in 2021, with further deepening of the excavation, the central part of the structure with rooms located along long corridors, stretched in the north-south direction and dating from the Golden Horde period, was investigated. Structurally, this building is similar to medieval establishments of the "khan" type – caravanserais where distinguished guests, travelers, merchants, and pilgrims could find accommodation. 30 m from this object there is a complex palace building – khan (inn), consisting of more than 40 rooms, discovered by archaeologist Z. Samashev in 1996–2008. This site of the settlement probably consists of a structure built for overnight caravans, travelers and pilgrims.


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How to Cite

Muktar Ә., Akhmetova У., Turaruly А., Zhumabayev А., & Baigaliev Ж. (2024). About the results of research in the medieval settlement Saraishyq : (based on the materials of the 2022 field season). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25), 175–185. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2024.



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