
  • Alexey Е. Rogozhinskiy Scientific and Restoration Laboratory of “Ostrov Krym” LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Vladimir V. Tishin Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhology and Tibetology SB RAS, Ulan-Ude, Russia




archaeology, Jetysu, Old Turkic runic inscriptions, archaeological context, tamga, petroglyphs, Karluk


This article proposes a new translation of two Old Turkic runic inscriptions Kuljabasy I and Kuljabasy II, and discusses some possibilities of their dating and attribution based on a comprehensive analysis of the available material. The analysis is based not only on individual characteristics of the inscriptions but also takes into consideration the archaeological context of their location. The article aims to identify typical graphical features of Kuljabasy inscriptions, in the general context of Old Turkic runic writing monuments of the Asian area. Within the archaeological landscape of the Kuljabasy Mountains, both runic inscriptions are localized in two separate areas of concentration of medieval monuments (such as winter camps of nomads, burial grounds, ritual fences with statues, petroglyphs of “prestigious” themes), near large settlements marked with petroglyphs of similar signs (tamga). The archaeological context of Kuljabasy I allows dating the inscription no earlier than the second half of the 8th century or 9–10th centuries. Based on presented analysis it can be assumed that the identity signs of the same type (tamga № 1 and 4) belong to the
Karluk tribal association.


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How to Cite

Rogozhinskiy А. Е. ., & Tishin В. В. . (2018). OLD TURKIC RUNIC in scriptions AND ITS ARCHAEOLOGICAL CONTEXTS IN THE KULZHABASY MOUNTAINS. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 143–163. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2018.1-2.1-2.143.163



Archaeology issues