New materials of the Late Sarmatian period from West Kazakhstan

(kurgan No. 21, Akadyr-2 burial ground)




archaeology, Akadyr-2 burial ground, kurgan, late Sarmatians


The article introduces new materials from the kurgan No. 21 of the Akadyr-2 burial ground. The excavations were carried out in a little-explored area of the West Kazakhstan region. As a result of archaeological work, the burial of a 35-year-old man was revealed. Traces of deliberate annular deformation with a roller in the bregmatic region are recorded on the skull. A grave pit has a lining on the western side, the artifact complex is represented by a small stucco pot and metal fragments, as well as a composite knife handle, characteristic only of Late Sarmatian burials (second half of the 2nd – first half of the 3rd century AD).


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How to Cite

Lukpanova Я. А., & Zhanuzak Р. Ж. (2023). New materials of the Late Sarmatian period from West Kazakhstan: (kurgan No. 21, Akadyr-2 burial ground). Kazakhstan Archeology, 22(4 (22), 127–139.



Field studies