Vehicles in the Bronze Age petroglyphs of Kazakhstan: mobility and elitism




Central Asia, Betpakdala, Shunak, Shimaily, Yeshkiolmes, Bronze Age, wheeled transport, sleds, visual communications, chariots, spoked wheels, connected wagons


Images of battle and transport vehicles of the Middle Bronze Age are of great interest in petroglyphs of Kazakhstan. More than two dozen wagons have recently been published, varying in design and in their probable purpose. The technique of execution – carving with polished patina is very informative, the artists' close attention to the details and design features of the depicted carts to highlight very important typological and iconographic features that make it possible to concretize their dating around the edge of 3rd and 2nd millennium BCE and structure’ details for neighboring areas as well. They also clarify many design features of Bronze Age vehicles from neighboring regions. In addition, a layer of images of chariots associated with the era of the final Bronze Age and early nomads is highlighted.


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How to Cite

Novozhenov В. А. (2024). Vehicles in the Bronze Age petroglyphs of Kazakhstan: mobility and elitism. Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (24), 68–97.



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