Pastoral economy of the Bronze Age population in Northern Kazakhstan

(based on materials of the Shagalaly II settlement)




archaeology, archaeozoology, Northern Kazakhstan, Bronze Age, Shagalaly II settlement


In the article, for the first time, the results of archaeozoological analysis of osteological materials from the settlement of Shagalaly II are entered into scientific discourse. The purpose of the research is to determine and to analyze the species composition of animals in the farms of the Bronze Age population of Northern Kazakhstan. During the study of the osteological collection the main objectives were to determine the species composition of the paleofauna, skeletal elements, age characteristics and external characteristics. As a result, a total of 2351 animal bones were examined, of which 1883 bones were identified to the species. Domestic animals dominate among osteological materials (77.8%), bones of wild animals (2.2%) and birds are also found. The share of sheep and goats among the identified bones of domestic animals is 46.9%. The second place is taken by the bones of cattle (42.9%), and in the third place are horses' bones (8.1%). Camel and dog bones are also present in small quantity. The structure of the bone material and fragmentation indices show that sheep were slaughtered more between 2 and 4 years of age, and cattle were used for meat from 2.5 years of age. Most of the horses are slaughtered in adulthood and old age. Domestic animals were slaughtered and butchered on the territory of the settlement. The results of the study serve as a source of information about animal husbandry among the Bronze Age population of the region.


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Author's field researches

Uakhitov Shokan. Born in 1992. Pavlodar region, Sharbaktinsky district, Malinovka village. A cattleman with 15 years of experience.

Abdrakhmanov Meiram. Born in 1981. Karaganda region, Shetsky district, Akkiyak village. The manager of the farm "Adilet". Cattle breeder with 25 years of experience.

Zhapparov Arman. Born in 1991. Karaganda region, Shetsky district, Taldy village. A cattleman with 15 years of experience.

Ansagan Hamituly. Born in 1968. Kostanay region. A cattleman with 30 years of experience.

Madiyarov Nurgali. Born in 1981. Zhambyl region, Talas region. Cattle breeder with 25 years of experience.

Baibatshaev Yesen. Born in 1987. Turkestan region, Baydibek district, Shakpak village. Manager of a private peasant farm. A cattleman with 20 years of experience.

Tulbasiev Bauyrzhan. Born in 1987. Turkestan region, Baydibek district, Shakpak village. A cattleman with 15 years of experience.

Turganbek Abdykalykov. Born in 1968. Kyzylorda region, Syrdarya district, Karaozek village. A cattleman with 40 years of experience.

Tengizbayev Anet. Born in 1987. Mangystau region, Mangystau district, Ondy village. A cattleman with 20 years of experience.

Nursapanov Ulan. Born in 1992. Jetusy region, Alakolsky district. A cattleman with 15 years of experience.



How to Cite

Shagirbayev М. С., & Sakenov С. К. (2023). Pastoral economy of the Bronze Age population in Northern Kazakhstan: (based on materials of the Shagalaly II settlement). Kazakhstan Archeology, 22(4 (22), 212–242.



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