Sacred landscapes of Betpakdala




Central Kazakhstan, Betpakdala, sacral space, mountains Tayatkan-Shunak, the Bronze Age, mounds, petroglyphs


The article analyzes the main aspects of the organization of the sacred space on the example of the historical monuments of the Tayatkan-Shunak area. The landscape-mythological boundary marking "its own space" was often indicated by petroglyphs. The center of the sacred space of Tayatkan-Shunak is the location of rock carvings, the earliest of which date back to the Bronze Age. The drawings reflect the worldview components of the traditional mytho-ritual complex of the population and were part of complex rituals. The results of research on archaeological sites – Bronze Age fences and burial mounds are presented. The oldest mythological motifs are organically integrated into the existence of a Muslim cult complex – the worship of the mausoleums of Agybay Batyr and his wife, which is associated with Islamic traditions, but also has a more ancient context – the cult of the dead. The landscape elements consecrated by these historical monuments contribute to the sacralization of space and time, personified in a continuous cultural connection with previous generations.


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How to Cite

Bedelbayeva М. В., Novozhenov В. А., & Zhusupov Д. С. (2023). Sacred landscapes of Betpakdala. Kazakhstan Archeology, 22(4 (22), 9–33.



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