The weapon complex of the nomads of the Northern Altai at Rouran period

(based on the materials of the Choburak-I site)



Altai, Rouran period, weapons, Bulan-Koby culture, bow, arrowheads, sword, combat knife, armor, dating


The article presents the results of the study of weapons found during excavations of the burials of the necropolis of the Rouran period at the site of Choburak-I. This multi-temporal complex, explored by the expedition of the Altai State University, is located in the Chemal district of the Altai Republic. The analyzed series of products, found in the undisturbed burials of seven men, one teenager and a child, includes eight composite bows, 48 iron arrowheads, three swords, six combat knives and one armor plate. It has been established that this set of military equipment of nomads was focused on effective confrontation with a well-protected enemy and corresponded to medium cavalry and, possibly, heavily armed infantry. The armament complex was dominated quantitatively by items characteristic of the second quarter of the 1st millennium AD, and at the same time there were specimens that became widespread in Altai no earlier than the middle of the 4th century AD. In terms of their diversity and level of development, the studied set of objects was not inferior to the military arsenals of the Xianbei, as well as other groups of the population of Central and North Asia in the pre-Turkic period.


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How to Cite

Seregin Н. Н., Tishkin А. А., Matrenin С. С., & Parshikova Т. С. (2024). The weapon complex of the nomads of the Northern Altai at Rouran period: (based on the materials of the Choburak-I site). Kazakhstan Archeology, (3 (25). Retrieved from



Archaeology issues