
  • Karl М. Baipakov State Museum «Center for the Rapprochement of Cultures», Almaty, Kazakhstan



archaeology, Great Silk Road, Akyrtas, Kasribas, Karluks, Arabs, Arab Caliphate, Kuteiba, the Battle of Artlakh, palace, stone blocks, quarry of stone mining


Akyrtas is unfinished structure of stone blocks of ferruginous sandstone. On the territory of the monument two streets are well read: one of them, in the north-south direction, is through, the other, in the east-west direction, is dead-ended, it strikes against iwans that have no passages. Concerning the Akyrtas complex there are different opinions: it was built as a Buddhist or Nestorian monastery, caravanserai or palace-residence. By analogy with the layout, nature of construction equipment, some researchers believe the Akyrtas a palace, built by Arab architects in the VIII century. Archaeological materials obtained by the author allow dating the beginning of the construction to the time after the Battle of Artlakh in 751 year.


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How to Cite

Baipakov К. М. (2018). ARCHITECTURAL-ARCHAEOLOGICAL COMPLEX AKYRTAS. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 118–132.



Archaeology issues