The river as a special topos in the bio- and sociocultural life of ancient peoples

(based on the materials of the complex with a statue near the village of Betkuduk, East Kazakhstan)


  • Galina Peteneva Восточно-Казахстанский областной архитектурно-этнографический и природно-ландшафтный музей-заповедник



archaeology, Upper Irtysh river region, Betkuduk, Early Iron Age, daggers, knife, cheek-piece, whetstone, stone statue


Humanity in ancient times did not particularly have complete freedom of movement. Natural barriers limited the territory of human habitation. Rivers became the first and universal roads. Their course largely determined the direction of human migration flows and cross-cultural contacts. The river is never peripheral, it is always in the center, and the demarcation line of its space is the shore. The purpose of this article is to reveal the significance and role of archaeological monuments of the coastal zone of the Irtysh River in the formation and development of cultural centers in the Bronze Age and in the Early Iron Age and their further influence on the cultures of adjacent territories. The publication examines the complex of finds of the 8th–7th centuries BC. In the cultural and chronological context, the characteristics of the obtained material, including the stone sculpture, are given. A preliminary version of the functional purpose and semantic content of menhirs in funerary and memorial monuments based on the category of time is proposed.


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How to Cite

Peteneva Г. Г. (2023). The river as a special topos in the bio- and sociocultural life of ancient peoples : (based on the materials of the complex with a statue near the village of Betkuduk, East Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, 22(4 (22), 34–65.



Archaeology issues