Collection of bone artifacts of Toksanbai settlement

(North-Eastern Caspian Region)




archaeology, late Bronze Age, Ustyurt plateau, settlement, Toksanbai, Aitman, Manaysor, bone industry, traceology


The article is devoted to the study of the collection of bone articles of the Toksanbai settlement (18th–17th centuries BC). Over the years of research, significant material has been accumulated illustrating the tradition of animal bones processing. The technological features of the manufacture and use of products were determined. Animal bone, as a raw material, was subjected to chopping, knapping, splitting and, less often, chipping. In addition to the traces of cutting with a metal blade, those of chopping with both metal and stone axes, of sawing and grinding with a metal blade, and occasionally scraping (a method rarely used in the Bronze Age) were observed. Among the categories of bone tools are hide scrapers, perforators, burnishers, drills, etc. Bone tools were mainly used in raw hide and skin processing and less often in pottery making. Tools and objects made of bone, which are of great importance in people's lives, were used in rituals. This is evidenced by the cheek-pieces found in the premises of the cult orientation and the burial of a person, accompanied by bone tools for leather processing, as well as fragments of animal bones.


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How to Cite

Loshakova Т. Н., & Usachuk А. Н. (2023). Collection of bone artifacts of Toksanbai settlement: (North-Eastern Caspian Region). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (20), 166–185.



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