
  • Alexander А. Goryachev A.Kh. Margulan Archeology Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan



archaeology, Jetysu, mountain zone, bronze age, tradition, culture, settlement, economy, life, dwelling, house-building, crafts, cattle breeding, agriculture


This article is devoted to the generalization of the results of researches of settlements and the development of economic and cultural traditions, which were associated with the production activities of the ancient population of the late Bronze Age in the territory of Jetysu. Historical development of ancient cultures of the Bronze Age in the region at the turn of the XIV–XIII centuries BC, the change of the cultural traditions of tribes of the Andronovo circle in the cultural commonality of Multirole ceramics culture. Modifications have occurred, first of all, in the economic and socio-cultural sphere. As the result the nature of housing construction and the development of household crafts and crafts are changed. In General, large settlements disappear, and in their place there are a series of smaller dwellings (up to 4-5 houses) settlements. During preserving the cultural continuity of traditions in the economy of the Andronovo time the settings and layout of dwellings of frame-pole construction are modified. During the Bronze Age Jetysu population have been kept complex economy, which led to the formation of the system of management with the division into zones of preferential development of agriculture and cattle breeding. There are groups of clans and tribes (monuments of Bien and Kolsay type), who occupied more stable ecological niche of mountain and foothill areas of Jetysu. The gradual specialization of handicraft production and mutually beneficial commodity exchange contributed to the welfare of the population, the increase in the territories covered by economic activity of people, and, as a consequence, the growth of the population during this period and the complexity of their social system.


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How to Cite

Goryachev А. А. (2018). THE STRUCTURE OF SETTLE MENTS OF JETYSU IN THE LATE BRONZE AGE. Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 86–105.



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