Problems of identification of debris from production of bifaces in the Early and Initial Upper Palaeolithic assemblages

(based on materials from Altai)




Altai, Upper Palaeolithic, leaf-shaped bifaces, thin bifaces, debris of biface production, flakes of secondary thinning, knapping tools, experiment, experimental modeling


The article is devoted to the discussion of one of the important aspects of studying the phenomenon of thin leaf–shaped bifaces in the sites of the Upper Paleolithic of Altai, namely, the problems of identifying and researching debris of their production. The aim of the work was to determine the diagnostic characteristics of bifacial thinning flakes based on the analysis of experimental data, as well as to assess the features of identifying such a debitage in the broad technological context of the stone assemblages of the region. The work is based on the results of the implementation of an experimental program devoted to the modeling of manufacturing technologies for thin bifacial processed tools from nodules of Altai raw materials using mineral and antler hammers. As a result of the conducted research, a collection of experimental standards of thinning flakes was created, and a set of their specific features was determined. According to the data obtained, the proportion of whole identifiable flakes in the group of biface production debris is generally small and amounts to about 3%. Most of the resulting flakes are indistinguishable from other categories of knapping waste of the Upper Paleolithic industry, if not identified in a technological cluster. In Altai sites, waste from bifacial technology is found either in the form of single flakes of thinning, or in the form of small clusters. In the first case (Ust-Karakol-1, excavation area 2; Kara-Bom, excavations 1 and 2; Tyumechin-4; Anui-2), a low proportion or absence of products with bilateral processing in the industry is characteristic, as well as general trends towards deformation of spatial structures of cultural deposits. In the second case (Ust-Karakol-1, excavation area 1; Anui-3) there is a large proportion of bifaces in the complex and a good state of preservation of structures.


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How to Cite

Mikhienko В. А., Belousova Н. Е., Rodionov А. М., Kharitonov Р. М., & Fedorchenko А. Ю. (2023). Problems of identification of debris from production of bifaces in the Early and Initial Upper Palaeolithic assemblages: (based on materials from Altai). Kazakhstan Archeology, 22(4 (22), 176–196.



Interdisciplinary research