SOME ASPECTS OF STUDYING NURA ARCHAEOLOGICAL CULTURE (based on materials from the settlement of Shagalaly II)


  • Maral К. Khabdulina Eurasian national university named L.N. Gumilev



archaeology, Shagalaly II, the bronze Age, Nura cultura, dwelling, ceramics, pottery workshop


The article contains some results of the study of the settlement of the Nura culture of Shagalaly II. Is given a brief history of the discovery and history of the study of the monument. At the settlement, about 2000 sq.m. A “manor type” of planning has been singled out, in which dwelling and economic buildings are included in a single complex. The latter include a pottery workshop and a courtyard with wells, built up with large pits for storing food supplies. The evidence of the inhabitation of the agricultural tribes in the settlement of Shagalaly II from the south is the architecture large two-tier houses and easel ceramics. New radiocarbon dates include the Nura archaeological culture by the XVIII–XVI centuries BC. This time it is possible to date the cultural contacts of the steppe bronze population with the southern agricultural civilizations of the Central Asian river basins.


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How to Cite

Khabdulina М. К. (2018). SOME ASPECTS OF STUDYING NURA ARCHAEOLOGICAL CULTURE (based on materials from the settlement of Shagalaly II). Kazakhstan Archeology, (1-2), 69–85.



Archaeology issues