Traceological and technological analysis of stone and ceramic inventory from the early Iron Age settlement Butakty-I (Southern-Eastern Kazakhstan)


  • Albina Yerzhanova Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Yekaterina Dubyagina Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Alexander Goryachev Margulan Institute of Archaeology



archaeology, Butakty-I, the Zharbulak River, early Iron Age, metalworking, stone tools, ceramics, handicrafts, traceology, production technology


Abstract. The multi-layered and multi-component site Butakty-I is known to include settlements of the Bronze and early Iron Ages overlain by burial grounds of the Wusun times and the early Middle Ages. The aim of the study was to elucidate technological aspects of ceramics and stone tools, with a hypothesis that the tools in question could represent the early Iron Age metalworking. The early Iron Age archaeological record provides rich evidence on a number of tools associated with such activities as metalworking (ore-crushing hammer, anvil, various hammers, smoother, whetstone, abrasive), processing of hides and skins (scraper, cutter), pottery making (polisher, various tables, grainer, pestle), processing of plants (grain grinder), and earthworks (hoe, mattock). Studies of pottery samples showed that the molding masses used have sprung from local mineral and raw material environments, and the recipes included mainly sand or grit with organic additives. The analysis of tools and products allows us to speak about the high level of development of blacksmithing, pottery making, and jewelry, which have reached a high level of development since professional craftsmen have already been specialized in certain areas of production.


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How to Cite

Yerzhanova А. Е., Dubyagina Е. В., & Goryachev А. А. (2023). Traceological and technological analysis of stone and ceramic inventory from the early Iron Age settlement Butakty-I (Southern-Eastern Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, 19(1 (19), 157–176.



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