A theme of shaman in the Uzynkungei petroglyph

(South-Eastern Kazakhstan)





archaeology, petroglyph, zooanthropomorphic image, shaman, semantics, worldview, ritual


This article presents a review of the petroglyphic composition located at Uzynkungei, which is situated on the northern slope of the Ketpen Ridge. The composition, entitled "the rise of the Shaman," is a complex theme that has not been previously introduced into scientific circulation. The objective of this study is to decode the main plot of the rock art, which features an anthropomorphic image, presumably of a shaman. The research analyzes the semantics of zooanthropomorphic images found in petroglyphs from Kazakhstan and Central Asia. A comparative stylistic analysis was conducted, and the relative dating of the monument was determined. Archaeological and ethnographic materials were used in the study, along with examples and scientific evidence, to support the hypothesis that the rock image depicts the process of performing a ritual action by the main character, a shaman. The composition is complex due to its inclusion of animals, such as deer, argali, and wolves, as well as anthropomorphic figures representing the upper, middle, and lower worlds. The main character is depicted standing on a wolf, holding objects in his hands, wearing a headdress, and featuring a tail. Two additional anthropomorphic figures are present in the composition, each holding an object in their hands, with one leg slightly bent at the knee in a pose indicating readiness to jump and ascend to a new level of enlightenment. These three figures help to elucidate the meaning of the composition, including the understanding of the image of the main character, his actions, and the process of his formation. The absence of a palimpsest and the updating of petroglyphs in later periods indicate that the images were carved at the same time. Additionally, the patina of the stone surface and the darkening of all petroglyphs are homogeneous and stylistically identical to the monuments of the Bronze Age.


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How to Cite

Amargazieva Ә., & Yelesbay Н. (2023). A theme of shaman in the Uzynkungei petroglyph: (South-Eastern Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (20), 148–165. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2023.



Interdisciplinary research