Medieval tortkul Akaryk: researchers of 2022

(South Kazakhstan)




archaeology, archaeozoology, Talas valley, tortkul Akaryk, structure, cultural layer, ceramics, archeological periodization, paleofauna, economy


Authors in the article examines the results of archaeological excavations of the site of Akaryk tortkul. Conclusions about the structure, chronology and functions of medieval sites types of tortkuls in the Talas Valley are still not scientifically substantiated. Important is the excavation of medieval tortkuls and the comprehensive study of archaeological materials. The purpose of the research work is to determine the function and chronology of the monument based on the studies of ceramic and osteological materials found in the excavations of tortkul Akaryk. The purpose of the study is to excavate the Akaryk tortkul, archaeozoological analysis of osteological materials and determine the chronology and functions of the tortkul. As a result of excavations (trenches), on the tortkul, it was established that the thickness of its cultural layer was over 1.5 m and that the internal construction wall was located parallel to the external defensive wall. The vast majority of ceramics studied are kitchen vessels. Tortkul Akaryk ceramic was analyzed in comparison with ceramic materials of medieval sites located in Talas Valley, Zhetysu and South Kazakhstan. Results showed that the settlement existed in the 11th–12th centuries. Archaeozoological analyses of animal bones show that there were all types of domestic animals on the farm of tortkul residents. Among osteological materials, the share of domestic ungulates is 98%. Among pets, bones belonging to small cattle predominate. Animal bones are highly fragmented and are typical "kitchen leftovers".


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How to Cite

Akymbek Е. Ш., Shagirbayev М. С., & Nurgali Н. Б. (2023). Medieval tortkul Akaryk: researchers of 2022: (South Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, (2 (20), 186–202.



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