Ceramic production at Derkul 1 settlement (Western Kazakhstan)


  • Saule Rakhimzhanova Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Talgat Mamirov Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Zhanna Akkoshkarova Margulan Institute of Archaeology




archaeology, Western Kazakhstan, Derkul 1, Eneolithic, ceramics, technology, ornamentation


The article for the first time introduces the results of the study of the technology of manufacturing and ornamentation of ceramics of the Eneolithic era from the excavations of the settlement Derkul 1. Fragments of 36 vessels were studied. The main task was to highlight cultural traditions in the technology of manufacturing and ornamentation of ceramics. The study of this aspect showed a sufficient sameness of the views of the potters on plastic raw materials. The study of the degree of sandiness of clay and the composition of natural mineral impurities allowed us to identify five different "places" of extraction of the initial plastic raw materials. The analysis of the molding masses indicates that the potters of this settlement made vessels according to the recipes "clay + shell in a concentration of 1:3 + organic solution" (48.7%), "clay + shell in a concentration of 1:4 + organic solution" (21.6%), "clay + shell in a concentration of 1:5 + organic solution" (16.2%) and "clay + shell in a concentration of 1:2 + organic solution" (13.5%). The authors recorded, according to the data of ornamentation, the allocation of two main cultural traditions – comb and rope. According to the peculiarities of patterns, motifs and their organization, it is possible to correlate the materials of this settlement with the Caspian and Khvalynsk cultures.


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How to Cite

Rakhimzhanova С. Ж. ., Mamirov Т. Б., & Akkoshkarova Ж. Т. . (2023). Ceramic production at Derkul 1 settlement (Western Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan Archeology, 19(1 (19), 133–156. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2023.



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