Some results of the study of the ancient Turkic memorial complex Nomgon-2


  • Darkhan Kydyrali International Turkic Academy
  • Altangerel Enkhtur Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences
  • Napil Bazylkhan International Turkic Academy
  • Nurbolat Bogenbayev International Turkic Academy
  • Tserenkhand Buyanhishig Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences
  • Gonçigiin Batbold Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences



archaeology, Nomgon, Kutluk-kagan, ancient Turkic writing, Sogdian writing, Brahmi writing, ritual complex, stone sculpture, chronology


In 2019 and 2022, the International Turkic Academy and the Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences have begun a joint archaeological research and the first excavations of nine memorial complexes of the ancient Turkic era in the Nomgon valley of the Khashaat sum of the Arkhangay aimag of Mongolia. During the excavations carried out at the memorial complex Nomgon-2, it was found that this complex was dedicated to Kutluk-Kagan, the founder of the Second Turkic Kaganate, Elteris-Kagan, who ruled in 682-692, the father of the famous Bilge-Kagan and Kultegin. The head and lower part of the stone statue of the kagan, two parts of the head of the stone statue, two statues of a ram, statues of a lion with two cubs, and a number of other artifacts, such as clay roofing, bricks, a cubic stone with a hole in the middle and kagan tamgas "eshir" (ashina) on balbals, were found in the complex. A special news for the world of Turkology is the discovery of a stele with an inscription. There, during archaeological excavations, the upper part of the stele with the image of two wolves and floral patterns was discovered for the first time, as well as the lower part with fragments of ancient Turkic texts written in the runic, Sogdian and Brahmi alphabets.


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How to Cite

Kydyrali Д., Enkhtur А., Bazylkhan Н., Bogenbayev Н., Buyanhishig Ц., & Batbold . Г. (2023). Some results of the study of the ancient Turkic memorial complex Nomgon-2. Kazakhstan Archeology, 19(1 (19), 68–83.



Field studies