The Huns in Siberia, or about the borders of Ancient and Middle Ages. Archaeogist's view


  • Игорь Леонидович Кызласов Институт археологии РАН



archaeology, Asiatic Huns, conquest of Southern Siberia, state structure, the turn of Antiquity and the Middle Ages


At the turn of 3rd and 2nd centuries BC the Asiatic Huns annexed the lands of Southern Siberia and thus ensured their fundamental state interests: calm northern rear areas and permanent mining, metallurgical and handicraft production to supply weapons and equipment for the army, and plowing and reaping tools for their farmers. The conquest did not interrupt the local economic development, handicraft and agricultural activities were controlled and encouraged by the supreme Hunnic power. This is fully confirmed by archaeological data. The Huns spread urban culture not only in Central Asia, but also in Southern Siberia. For the first time in Asia, they created a state with a unified administration of both settled and nomadic population, that is, a full-fledged world power. Its integrity was determined both by the unity of political power, and by the mutual correspondence of the multilingual and multi-tribal parts of the country. The Asiatic Huns themselves were not Turkic-speaking. They did not belong to the Turkic or Mongolian world according to the main archaeological signs of cultural genesis: neither by the type of dwellings, nor by the look of burials. But it was they who first brought the early Turkic peoples to the historical arena, moving them from the unknown places of Central Asia to the north. The archaeological gradation of the historical periods of Antiquity and the Middle Ages revealed on the Yenisei extends to the entire Sayan-Altai Highlands and the Baikal region. The boundary of ancient and medieval development is the Hun epoch.


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How to Cite

Кызласов, И. Л. (2023). The Huns in Siberia, or about the borders of Ancient and Middle Ages. Archaeogist’s view. Kazakhstan Archeology, 19(1 (19), 29–42.



Archaeology issues