Burial of an elderly man of the Rouran period from the Northern Altai: the experience of social interpretation


  • Nikolai Seregin Altai State University
  • Alexey Tishkin Altai State University
  • Sergei Matrenin Altai State University
  • Tatiana Parshikova Altai State University




Rouran period, Altai, social history, elderly man, burial, Bulan-Koby culture, chronology


The article presents the materials of one of the peculiar burials of the Choburak-I complex (Chemal district, Altai Republic). A compact necropolis of 12 objects was excavated by the expedition of the Altai State University on the area of this site. A burial of an elderly man (over 55 years of age) with a horse and representative inventory, including weapons, horse equipment, tools and household items, was investigated in mound №31a. It has been established that this object belongs to the Dialyan tradition of the funeral rite of the Bulan-Koby culture. Analysis of the inventory and results of radiocarbon dating allow us to determine the chronology of mound №31a within the middle – second half of the 4th century AD. New materials are compared with the data obtained earlier in the framework of the social interpretation of the archaeological complexes of the Bulan-Koby culture. It has been established that an elderly man during his lifetime belonged to the wealthy stratum of the nomadic society. The preservation by this individual of all the attributes of a full-fledged member of the society could be explained both by his individual characteristics and by the fact that he was a representative of a local group that made up the local elite of the nomads of the Rouran period.


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How to Cite

Seregin Н. Н., Tishkin А. А. ., Matrenin С. С., & Parshikova Т. С. (2023). Burial of an elderly man of the Rouran period from the Northern Altai: the experience of social interpretation. Kazakhstan Archeology, 19(1 (19), 43–57. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2023.



Archaeology issues