"Solar" mounds of Ashutasty: historical memory in the Steppe (based on the results of radiocarbon analysis)


  • Gulnara Jumabekova Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Galiya Bazarbayeva Margulan Institute of Archaeology




archaeology, Western Saryarka, Ashutasty, "solar" mounds, Steppe, chronology, stone ridges


The article publishes for the first time three dates obtained from the mound with «moustaches» complex in Western Saryarka, representing a wide range of time before the Kazakh period. Individual elements of the complex show the different timing of their construction or use in the process of ritual practice. In this regard, the question of the chronology of this type of archaeological monuments and the significance in the spiritual culture of the Steppe population is raised. Traditionally, the dominant mound dates back to the time of the Tasmola culture, satellite mounds and ridges – from the Hunnic period to the ethnographic modernity. It is necessary to note the role of mounds with «moustaches» in the formation of the sacred landscape for thousands of years. The term "solar" mounds was first used by Alkey Margulan (1904–1985), who was at the origin of the creation of the Central Kazakhstan Archaeological Expedition of the Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan and brought up a series of outstanding personalities who continued to study the culture of the ancient population of the country. Among them: A. Orazbayev (1922–1997), M. Kadyrbayev (1932–1982), F. Arslanova (1934–1995), S. Akhinzhanov (1939–1991), each of whom contributed to the study of a unique archaeological monument – mounds with stone ridges. The main area of this type of objects coincides with the boundaries of the historical and cultural landscape – Saryarka.


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How to Cite

Jumabekova Г., & Bazarbayeva Г. (2022). "Solar" mounds of Ashutasty: historical memory in the Steppe (based on the results of radiocarbon analysis). Kazakhstan Archeology, 17(3 (17), 43–73. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2022.



Archaeology issues