About the rare fractions of the Dirhams of the Bulgarian minting of the second half of the 13th century


  • Alexey Bugarchev A.Kh. Khalikov Institute of Archaeology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • Vitaly Emelyanov numismatist-researcher




dirham, fraction, money circulation, indicated weight, dang, metrology, Bulgarian region, 13th–14th centuries


The article provides information about rare and previously unpublished coins of the Bulgarian region. The main difference is that the published copies are fractions of larger types of dirhams. After the coming to power of Khan Mengu-Timur in the Ulus Jochi, a monetary reform was carried out in the Bulgarian Vilayat. New coins of eight different denominations were issued into circulation. Some of them belong to rare types. In total, 9 types of silver coins are given with the number of known copies from one to 24. Based on the monograph of A.Z. Singatullina, the authors study the metrology of fractions and their larger analogues. All these copies are included in the system of denominations based on the minimum unit – dang of 0.31 g. Types C/23, C/34, C/37, C/44 and C/81 were minted under Mengu-Timur in 1266-1281, C/52 – under Toda-Mengu (1281–1285), C/117 with the image of a bird – in 1283–1291, the type with the image of an animal (dog) C/201 is attributed to the broad period of the 2nd half of the 13th – 1st fourth of the 14th centuries. One coin with the remains of legends remains unattributed. According to the authors of the article, small silver coins of the Bulgarian coinage served small-retail trade and were withdrawn from circulation as a result of the monetary reform of 730/1330.


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Emelyanov, V. P. 2021. In: Dvadtsat pervaya Vserossiyskaya numizmaticheskaya konferentsiya (Twenty-first All-Russian Numismatic Conference). Tver (in Russian).

Petrov, P. N. 2010. In: Zolotoordinskaya tsivilizatsiya (The Golden Horde civilization), 3, 121-149 (in Russian).

Singatullina, A. Z. 2003. Juchidskie moneti povolzhskih gorodov XIII veka (Juchid coins of Volga cities of the 13th century). Kazan: “ZAMAN” Publ. (in Russian).

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How to Cite

Bugarchev А. И., & Emelyanov В. П. (2022). About the rare fractions of the Dirhams of the Bulgarian minting of the second half of the 13th century. Kazakhstan Archeology, 17(3 (17), 151–157. https://doi.org/10.52967/akz2022.



Interdisciplinary research