The study of monuments of the Ulus Jochi era on the territory of Aktobe region


  • Arman Bissembaev Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Aleksey Khavansky Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Ramazan Zhanuzak Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Gaziz Akhatov Margulan Institute of Archaeology
  • Даниял Майтеков Peddie Hightstown NJ, USA



Ulus Jochi, funeral rite, Golden Horde, Kypchaks, Islamization, archaeology


The article is devoted to the latest studies of the monuments of the Ulus Jochi era in the Aktobe region. The study of the monuments throughout the Middle Ages was carried out in three main areas – processing and analyzing available materials obtained from the research on the territory from the second half of the 19th century to the present, conducting exploration measures to identify the most promising areas for the location of Golden Horde monuments, and reconnaissance excavations. Examination on the Uil-Kobdinsky local microdistrict was associated with the study of a large necropolis and settlement of Koptam, the vicinity of the cult mausoleum of Abat Baitak. Located on the banks of the Kargaly reservoir, the Kyzyltam mausoleum is also the center of a large nomadic group during the Middle Ages. Ulus Jochi clearly traced the stages of gradual Islamization of the population on the monuments, when the funeral rite undergoes "standardization", and in sets of inventory there is a spread of a general fashion, the so-called "imperial" style. On funerary monuments there are traces of resettlement policies of Mongol khans, including objects that are associated with the South Siberian population.


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How to Cite

Bissembaev А. А., Khavansky А., Zhanuzak Р., Akhatov Г., & Майтеков, Д. (2022). The study of monuments of the Ulus Jochi era on the territory of Aktobe region. Kazakhstan Archeology, 17(3 (17), 74–90.



Field studies